Gourmet Says Good-Bye

I haven't been very blog-y recently. Getting ready for a move will do that to me. But I just saw this news in the NYTimes and thought I'd give a quick comment.

is closing up shop as a cost-cutting measure for Conde Nast. A lot of the comments are from people who are shocked and sad that such a long-standing magazine is getting the ax. I am a little surprised, but I'm glad it will be Gourmet and not Bon Appetit. Several years ago, a friend gave me subscriptions to both, so I was able to compare them side by side every month and Gourmet had an astonishing amount of filler (or what felt like filler to me). I do like a little content about food travel and restaurants, but I don't want it to dominate in a food magazine and that's what I saw in Gourmet. Still, I'll miss browsing through it at libraries and seeing the drool-inducing covers at the check out counter.
